Home Activities

Story Starter

Scholastic has a website http://teacher.scholastic.com/activities/storystarters/storystarter1.htm for you to practise your writing.  Spin the wheel for a writing idea and then choose a template to type on.  When you are finished, print out your story and bring it into class to share with your classmates.

TangramsTangram Clip Art

Go to http://www.funorama.com/tangram.html to print out a tangram template.  Cut out your tangram pieces and use them to make different shapes.  You can also print out the puzzles on the website to use with your tangrams.

Mad Minute

At http://www.superteacherworksheets.com/math-drills-minute.html, you can print out some worksheets to practise your math skills.  See how many facts you can complete in a minute!

Mad Libs

Mad Libs are stories with missing words.  Before reading the story, you have to choose different parts of speech (e.g., nouns, verbs, adjectives).  After choosing the words, you read the story, filling in the blank with the chosen words.  You might end up with a weird and/or wacky story!  Try Mad Libs online at http://www.eduplace.com/tales/ or print them out at http://www.classroomjr.com/printable-mad-libs-for-kids/.

Arts and Crafts

Here are some websites that have lots of ideas of arts and crafts activities you can do at home.education clipart, scissors




A lot of the materials can be easily bought at the dollar store.


Chef Hat Clipart

Cooking is a great way to practise many different skills (e.g., reading a recipe, measuring).  Here are two websites with some easy recipes that you can try at home.  Make sure you ask an adult for help or assistance if you will be using any sharp utensils (e.g., knives), the oven, the stove or the microwave.



Dial a Story

The Toronto Public Library has a "Dial a Story" service.  Simply call 416-395-5400 to hear a story.  They offer stories in many different languages including Gujarati, Tamil  and Urdu.  For more information, please go to http://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/spe_ser_dialastory.jsp.